Using and understanding iSportsman is easy. Depending on the circumstances, there are eight basic steps to using iSportsman and enjoying the outdoors on Fort Leonard Wood. Links to more information about each step can be found under the "Information" tab above.
If you are unable to see or purcahse a super/combo permit, please make sure that your safety brief and cantonment brief are up to date.
A reminder that Magnet Fishing is not permitted on Fort Leonard Wood.
Firearms antlerless portion begins Friday October 11-13. Please remember to wear hunter orange while archery hunting.
Please note, that we encourage all deer taken within the boundaries of FLW to be tested for CWD. There is a head drop off freezer located at the Outdoor Adventure Center. If you have any further questions regarding CWD please contact the FLW Natural Resource Office or check out Chronic Wasting Disease | Missouri Department of Conservation (
If you are looking for an App to help with GPS location in the hunting areas, try AVENZA.
Steps are located here for downloading the App and FLW maps.
Attention Hunters and Recreationists
Boundaries for Hunting Areas (HA’s) 15, 16, and 17 have changed!
New hunting area maps are available under the Maps tab in the header bar. If you use Avenza, please make sure to download a new map prior to using these areas to ensure that you are in the correct area. FLW ITAM in coordination with FLW Natural Resources Branch jointly made changes to maneuver area and hunting area boundaries to increase training and recreational opportunities. Aerial firing activities on Cannon range required closing of Hunting Areas 17 and 15 to all activities due to the Zone of potential projectile impacts. The impacted areas of HA 15 were moved into HA 17 and some of non-impacted areas of HA17 were moved into HA16 (see attached map). The net effect is HA 15 and HA 16 can now be opened to recreation when Cannon Range is active.
Changes have been made to HA 15, 16, and 17 boundaries. For the latest maps check out the hunting maps page or click here.
If you are having issues with permits, make sure that your safty brief is current and your cantonment brief is current.
The super/combo permit includes all permits that you would need to hunt and fish every season on Fort Leonard Wood.
Current information is key to stopping feral swine. Report FLW sightings directly to USDA Wildlife Services.
573-337-8057 or 417-217-6999
The 2024 permits are now available!!!!
Make sure your safety brief and cantonment brief are current if you are purchasing the combo permit.
Check out the Fishing Activities page for the most up to date information. The 2023 Management Report and the 2024 Fishing Forecast are now available.
ATTENTION!!! Bloodland Lake will be closed for waterfowl hunting each day at 1300.
If you are looking for an App to help with GPS location in the hunting areas, try AVENZA.
Steps are located here for downloading the App and FLW maps.
Firewood cutters, check out the new location at TA401. MAP HERE Lots of availalbe wood.
Contact K.J. Petry to coordinate for wood cutting permit. or call 573-596-0871
Are you having issues or just need help with your FLW iSportsman account?
Please email
Current Information is Key to Stopping Feral Swine. Report FLW Sightings Directly to USDA Wildlife Services.
Youth and Senior validations for free permits are now through the iSportsman system. You do not need to do them in person. The validation will be based on the birthdate linked to the account.
You still need to purchase the free permits in iSportsman.
2023 Permits will be available Feburary 28th.
If you are interested in purchasing the super/combo permit you will need to take the 2023 Cantonment Area Safety Brief. The brief is available under the "My Safety Briefs" tab.
2023 hunting and fishing permits will be avialbe for purchase February 2023.
FLW is offering a super/combo permit that contains all permits. To purchase the combo you will need to have a cantonment brief. That brief will be offered on the FLW iSportsman portal the same way the safety brief is offered.
Current Information is Key to Stopping Feral Swine. Report FLW Sightings Directly to USDA Wildlife Services.
January 13, 2023
Have you recieve a notice that you need a 2023 Outdoor Recreation permit? Log out of your account and log back in and this should fix the issue.
iSportsman check in is down! FLW Game Wardens have instructed to post your normal window paper plus another paper with the OPEN AREA you are recreating in, date and time.
For all your wood cutting needs contact Kyle (KJ) Petry at or 573-596-0871 for more information.
Attention Recreaters!!!!
Miller Cave area is off limits to all recreational activities.
Bow hunters must remember to wear orange during this time period.
Starting NOV 1st, 2022, all persons not checked out of an area by 2200 or 10pm will have a hold placed on their account and will have to go to the Game Wardens office to have it removed.
Persons may check-in to two areas as long as the areas are adjacent and open at the same time.
Straight-walled cartridge-styled rifles (SWCSR) may be used this year during the Novmeber portion of firearms deer season. They may only be used in HA that are on the outer perimeter of the installation.
A revised map can be found here.
If you have problems with your account please email
Wood permits will only be avialbe for in person purchase.
You can contact Kyle (KJ) Petry at or 573-596-0871 for more information.
Check out the Guidon article on hunting guidence and the lastest on CWD guidlines.
iSportsman Guest Check-in/out
Starting August 24th.
An easier way to fish with kids! Click here for more information.
Don't forget to check out the Lake of the Ozarks Recreation Area (LORA) for more fishing opportunities.
Click here for more information.
Check out the New Wood Cutting Lot located off of FLW 30 for all your wood cutting needs.
Check out the 2022 Fishing Forecast for fishing opportunities on FLW.
2021 was a busy year in the Fisheries Management world on FLW. If you would like to see into what goes on behind the scenes and what we are doing to make your fishing experience better check out the reports below.
Take a glimpse at what happened last year in fisheries management, a summary can be found in the 2021 Fisheries Management Report. If you are interested in how often your favorite fishing spot gets used check out the 2021 Angling In a Splash Report.
Changes to FLW Regulation 210-21 are in!
To access the most recent regulations click on the Regulation Tab.
Range Operations Holiday Block Leave hours will be 0600 to 1800 daily from 19 Dec 2021 until 2 Jan 2022. Range operations will be closed Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, New Year’s Eve, and New Year’s Day. Any recreational user experiencing an emergency on these days should call the MP Desk or 911 directly as needed.
Be Bear Aware. Bears are protected.
Two CWD self-serve freezers for deer heads are available on FLW
1) Outdoor Adeventure Canter- Bldg 2290 FLW K Rd
2) The intersection of FLW 38 and FLW 1
Send us your wildlife photos to
Permanent hunting blinds are located in Hunting Areas 3, 7, 14, 26A, and 32. These blinds are primarily for use by Wounded Warriors and disabled persons. If unoccupied, the blinds may be used by the general hunting public. Check-in is required for the use of the blinds.
Attention Hunters!
The boundaries for Hunting Area 7 have changed. The area around miller cave south of FLW N and West of TA 61 is now closed to all entry including hunting. The FLW Hunting and Fishing map on iSportsman has been updated to reflect this change. Please refer to this map and download the new version if you are using the Avenza app.
Current Information is Key to Stopping Feral Swine. Report FLW Sightings Directly to USDA Wildlife Services
If you are planning to hunt the Cantonment Archery Areas this year please print the 2021 Face to Face Safety Brief document found on the cantonment hunting page or here at this link.
Please bring the document to DPW Natural Resources Branch, building 11400 second floor during normal operation hours M-F 0730-1600.
The Miller Cave Area is no longer available as a recreational use area.
General Order No. 6 has been rescinded. This will allow individuals that are Non-DOD ID Card holders to hunt and fish the installation once again. Individuals will need to have the appropriate permits and obtain an installation access pass.
New Firewood Cutting Areas have been added. For more information check out the Firewood Cutting Maps page.
Trout season opens tomorrow at Stone Mill Spring!!!! Check out MDC fishing page for the most recent regulations for trout season.
Check out the fishing maps page for the most recent fish habitat structure placement.
Firewood Cutting Permits will soon be available through iSportsman. More information coming soon.
Regulations for Firewood Cutting can be found here!
Send us your 2020 wildlife photos!!!!!!
Send to
There have been changes to Hunting Area 3. A portion of the hunting area west of the Outdoor Adventure Center and North of FLW K extending to the FLW boundary is now off-limits to entry and hunting due to potential UXO. New FLW hunting and fishing maps have been created to reflect the changes and are available on the iSportsman website.
September 14, 2020
New regulations are in effect for transportation of crossbows and compound bows. FLW Reg 190-11 Physical Security of Arms, Ammunition, and Explosives was updated and went into effect in April 2020.